Most Embarrassing Moment of my Life!

I can't believe i am about to write about this but i figured i would share as a lighthearted post. This story is THE most embarrassing moment of my life and everyone who knows about will never let me forget about it EVER!

So i guess i should start...

Three weeks earlier i had just started my new job, we had a training group of around 18 people and had decided that to celebrate finishing our training we would go on a night out straight from work. One of the girls in my training group lived not to far from me and since i didn't want to take my car to work, as we were going to be drinking, i needed a lift into work. The girl said that her fiance could give me a lift into work as he was taking her. All i needed to do first of all was get to her house, in which my dad offered to take me.

She gave me her address which i noted down in my phone a couple days before.

On the day of the night out, my dad took me to her house and drove off, I rang the doorbell and was let in by a little girl. At this point I didn't know much about my friend from work so I figured that the girl might be a sister or something. Anyway... I go inside the house into the living room and sit down on the couch waiting. Soon an older man who was quite scary looking comes down the stairs, and just looks at me strangely then continues into the kitchen. At this point I am starting to get a little freaked out so I say "Emm.... Does Tracy live here?" And they both turn to me with a look like 'who is she?' So I bolt out the house as fast as I can and run down the street. I phone my friend and tell her that for the past 10 minutes i have been sitting in a strangers house thinking it was hers and recap the story! Obviously she is in absolute fits of laughter and tells me she will pick me up in 5 minutes from where I am.

My parents never ever let me forget that I did this and think it is the funniest thing they have ever heard! 
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  1. This is hilarious, I could only imagine the panic! I've got in the wrong car, never someone else's house. Very trusting child though, inviting strangers in.

  2. omg that is so funny I can't believed that happened to you! I've gotten in the wrong taxi with other people in it before but not a home!

  3. That's so funny, though I'm sure at the time you wanted to die of embarrassment. I once got locked in an underground night club in New York when I was out to brunch. I was trying to find the bathroom and opened a door and went down the stairs. When I realized that was in fact NOT where the bathroom was, I came back up the stairs to find the door was locked. I had to bang on it until a bus boy let me out and scolded me for being down there...not my choice man. Thanks for sharing that story! It's always nice to know that you're not alone in your misadventures.

